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Studio Founder / General Manger
Leader of Vsis Crew, V-Kids Dance Team, V-Jin Crew.
Served as the JAZZ tutor of China Agriculture University in Beijing, teaching and training, and took charge of the competition judgement.
Professional and much experienced in team training, stage performance training, MV filming and kids competition directing.
Over 18 years of dancing and 8 years teaching experience in:

With dance experience of over 18 years and more than 10 years of Chinese dance experience, Nikki has participated in many folk dance competitions in China and has won competitions at championship level. Nikki was previously a member of GRV's Groove (Season 1). She is currently the dance leader of the LA-based KPOP creative dance team, SHERO.
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玥子 Janaya
2017 Artist Emerge 加拿大最大Hiphop比赛成年组All Style团队第一名钻石奖
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担任多所大学JAZZ导师,教学 集训 并承担赛事裁判。
2013年北京现代音乐学院 “The JAM VOL.2” Hiphop 亚军
2015年成都奥克斯街舞大赛 Hiphop 冠军
2016年CK one god香水创意广告故事短片 特邀舞蹈嘉宾故事主角
2016年 RES college super session北京高校街舞赛事担任裁判
2017年 清华DK5举办高校街舞争霸赛《不如跳舞》vol.4 担任裁判
2022年舞蹈作品「静止与躁动」入围北京国际电影节舞蹈影像艺术季,作为最终14个获奖作品中唯一一部街舞作品。以及Tezo MDV总冠军(裁判均为美国)。

Yerson started dancing at the age of 13, and since then has been training in Hiphop, Break Dance, House, Locking, Popping, Whacking, Krump, Salsa, and Bachata. He managed his own school and introduced dance styles to students. He has competed in many KPOP competitions, as well as has participated in Hiphop competitions - HHI Peru and 2019 HHI Arizona. Most recently, he participated in 2023 WOD, winning 2nd place with team THA MOST.
He is currently on Team BUK, Project: KND, pRojecT.

Raymond has been dancing since the age of 10. He was previously on teams such as Teen Groov, Alhambra Dance, GRaVy Babies, GRV, and has served as Coach of Alhambra Dance from 2017 - 2019. He founded Inner Essence Dance Company in 2017 and served as the Director from 2017 to 2020. He is currently a Board Member of YGDC. In 2021, he founded The pRojecT, an exhibition dance team and currently serves as the team's Director. He has been a backup dancer for BTS on America's Got Talent, HWA YEON at the Los Angeles Korean Culture Festival, and ZupaNova at Mayfest 2023.
He hopes to share his dance knowledge and passion with the community, and inspire continual growth and share the love for dance.